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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Adventures of an Insomniac Part One

When you suck at sleeping, you write. When you suck at writing, you write anyways because you figure an internet challenged noob will stumble upon your blog eventually and fall madly in love with it and consequently, with you and then all will be well with the world. Here's to hoping. FINGERS CROSSED. Just kidding about the whole finding a boyfriend thing but for real, when you can't sleep and your mind's just thinking all this random nonsense, I thought it could potentially be interesting to scribble some of it down. (Upon re-reading this I discovered it's not, but by all means, carry on).

SIDENOTE: The "t" key is not working up to i_'s normal standards righ_ now and it's really bugging me because I have _o push it ex_remely hard and I am not mentally or physically prepared enough for this battle. I will try extra hard just for you potential future husband, boyfriend, friend, blog stalker, sad soul who accidentally ended up here.

First random late-night thought first... the ability to talk to ourselves is so strange. So many of you (or not because no one reads this) just rolled your eyes and said, "you're actually crazy." Um okay sassy, shush for a second and hear me out...  I am not talking about the kind of talking to yourself that occurs out loud. I am talking about the kind that happens inside your own mind. In your head, how you plan out what you will say, write, do. I am writing this in my head before I put it on here. I'm speaking it but only I can hear it. There's an actual voice inside my head and I am semi-crazy but haven't been committed yet so I'm hoping others have this voice too. Why is talking in your head called thinking? If my brain just asked itself that, why doesn't it know the answer? Have I taken one too many hits to the head? Yes. Well it answered that one almost instantaneously. Great. Part of my own brain waged war upon the part of my brain that thought it would be a good idea to write this post. I don't know which side to cheer for.

For me and maybe a few others of us, it's easy to forget that your mind can be your own worst enemy. The brain is only as smart as you let it become. Sometimes it will fight you. Sometimes it'll win and make you think lowly of yourself for absolutely no good reason. Retaliating isn't the answer to many things in this life but in this case, it's necessary. You can't let your mind determine everything you do. Your heart deserves some say. But that, my friends, is for another late night rambling that will hopefully never happen again.

I am now accepting donations towards NyQuil, getting me a CT scan, or a tempurpedic bed. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Is it too Michael like of me to comment on every single post? Oh's happening. You're so self deprecating in your posts! Lighten up, sheesh.
