Life is such an interesting journey. At least in my case, I have no idea what I'm doing today, or tomorrow, or five months from now, or five minutes from now. I'm not much of a planner you see, I just like to take life as it comes. I believe that is also why I find it difficult for me to form coherent thoughts because I do not know why I actually did or said some things. They just seemed necessary to me at the exact instant that they happened. Doesn't mean they were important, doesn't mean they weren't. It just happened.
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(this happened while shopping with my mother) |
People have said, "sometimes the little moments become the big moments." Well yes, that can be true with anything and it can be true in life. If we do nothing the little moments will always remain the little moments and will have no opportunity to evolve into bigger things. If you want your life to leave a large imprint on people, you have to do something that warrants it. Do something wild. Most of us are stuck in routines. Quit planning and start living. Great things can happen if you start answering the "what ifs" in your head.
That being said, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Being a college sophomore you'd think I'd have a clue. Nope. I thought I'd have myself together by high school graduation. Nope. I don't think I'll ever find my place in this world but I believe I can make one. Is there even a designated place for everyone? Finding "your" place requires you to mold to someone else's template. That's not how I plan on doing things and if you create your own spot, even Goldilocks will think it's "just right."
I'm not really sure this first post had a theme to it. I guess if you had to take one thing away it would be to just live. Play along with all the cliches sometimes because you should "live life to the fullest" and "never say never" but make up your own rules and add your own spin as you go. Don't shrink quietly into the abyss, be bold. Laugh a little louder than acceptable at dinner. Be awkward in the elevator. Sneeze and say "bless me" to yourself. Make life interesting for everyone else who is too afraid to be uncomfortable.
Life doesn't make sense so you might as well eat that slice of cheese and play along.
Why, you are positively the most aphoristically charming and thought-provoking writer of the 21st Century! Keep on keeping on, stranger.