Hello again! I can't believe I'm writing a second post. That's absolutely terrible news for you and it just so happens that it is a result of my never-ending boredom. Flock to me friends! <-- the exact reason I don't have friends.
Anyways, a while back I came across a post on Tumblr which said something along the lines of "everyone is just a background character in someone else's life." I thought about that for a second and nearly projectile vomited at how cool and kind of creepy that true statement is.
If you think about your life as a tv show, you're the main character (or you should be ya weirdo). You have your group of friends, family, coworkers, etc., but you never really give credit to the people in the background who are going about their everyday lives probably not noticing that they are even on screen in another person's show/life as well. They don't notice because in their own lives, they are the main characters and you have become the background to them.
One of the most interesting things about this whole thought process is the fact that we all still indirectly or directly affect one another even if we have never or will never meet. Let's say I walk two steps to the left, someone else's path will have changed because mine did. Life is one big awkwardly choreographed dance. For example, I could have been a world famous vlogger if Jenna Marbles hadn't stolen all the possible topics to vlog about. The world sincerely thanks you, Jenna. But the point is, I never and probably will never meet her yet she changed my life and how I went about expressing my thoughts to the internet society. You can so easily change the course of one of the background character's lives simply by acknowledging them. Maybe they ignore you, or maybe you strike up a conversation and become friends for a lifetime. It's awesomely terrifying how a small, insignificant word such as "hi" can cause an extra to become a costar.
If you're nervous about taking this step and talking to strangers, which some people are, (I have an irrational fear of speaking to people on the telephone) I like to practice talking to inanimate objects. I am not crazy. Repeat, I am not crazy. But for example, if you do happen to run into a chair, quickly exclaim, "OH! SORRY!" or "Oh my gosh, excuse me!" It is a prime way to keep up your good manners and create a conversation. However, the chair has not yet mastered the art of conversing so ignore that fact and briskly walk away with your head down especially if this incident happened in public. I am not talking from experience. Or am I? YOU'LL NEVER KNOW. (I am).
If talking to inanimate objects isn't really your thing, I have no room to make fun of you either way... But seriously, think about talking to people you normally wouldn't and see how it changes their day. It's so cool to see a positive effect on someone from tiny little compliments that are so easy to give out but are often forgotten about. Seemingly random and unimportant conversations could forever impact someone's life and that can be both a blessing and a curse. How you choose to use this newfound power helps determine what type of person you are. I'm gonna quote Spiderman really quick just because I can... "With great power comes great responsibility." Use it wisely, people!
So are you going to follow in Jenna's footsteps or let her monopolize the world of vlogging??? You're cuter than her.