Day One:
Elise: I don’t remember day one. I forgot to say goodbye
to Deja. We said bye to your mom, I miss her. And then we started driving to... where’d we go? Hahahaha. Uhhhhh. Are you writing 'uh'? Oh my gosh. Hahaha. Are
you writing *laughs twice*? Ummmm. We went to Santa Bar Bar A. Heheh. Ummmm Carsten slept and kept farting. We just blamed her for farting
because it started smelling funny whenever she fell asleep. SCREAMS. (Alexis edit: She just almost rear-ended a car). Can’t double task. Yeah um. We went to Santa Barbara and we ate some good lunch. We watched a homeless man reach into a
garbage can, go all the way to the bottom, and pull out a clean bible. WHAT. And
then we kept going. We went to the dunes. I'm not funny when I talk.
Carsten: I slept all the way through LA which was nice. Woke
up in time to eat an overpriced lunch in Santa Barbara. It was still yummy and
we got to see some turtles in a fountain and somebody gave me some moisturizer.
Haha. The waiter kept making fun of me for the way I talk and laugh, the way
I gasp, everything about me. Sighs. Then we arrived at SLO (San Luis Obispo) at Elise and Alexis' friends' house to sleep. I was really afraid to go to sleep because
there was a daddy-longlegs on the door and I didn’t kill it.
Alexis: I really can’t remember anything. I remember the
very beginning – before we even left, Elise couldn’t find her keys. And I
thought the trip was over before it had begun. Then I said goodbye to Deja and
wept and wept and wept and swept. Um. Lots of being on the road. Haha. Pandy’s
first big trip. He was pretty nervous – he got a little bit sick when Carsten
was driving but nothing too serious. Elise put him in precarious positions in
the car which he did not like (but he would never tell her that.) We went to
the Dunes which is in some RV trailer park kinda thingy and that was cool cuz
it’s just sandy and stuff and I got to tackle Elise and then Elise dropped me
and I made a terrible noise on the sand kinda like a fart but not really. I was
internally bleeding. ROADKILL. That looked like a bird. How does a bird get
hit? Then we went on a hike – mediocre at best – we passed a nude beach but
didn’t see anything interesting. (Elise: There was a bird on the beach that was
unclothed.) Then we went to a restaurant called Creeky Tiki in Downtown SLO.
The waitress didn’t really like us but we liked her and the food. Then we chatted with friends and went to
sleep. OH yeah and Elise almost hit a dog. He ran into the car. Would’ve
totaled it probably... lil Subaru problems!
Elise: Alexis was appointed the position of alarm clock.
Unfortunately, the snooze button worked too well and she didn’t wake me up
until 2 hours after the alarm clock was set for. So we headed out to Monterey
on The PCH. Cruisin' up "The One", chasing….um, um, um…driving along winding
cliffs, falling into the ocean while being suspended by the mountains. Laughs
Clashing scenes with a dividing line. We went to lunch because Jill (Carsten's fake tapeworm) was hungry.
And then Big Sur was amaaaaaaazing. The water was so foamy, like a latte,
Alexis said. And we saw redwoods. They were tall. Carsten continued to take many
photographs. She’s a photographer. (Alexis: She forced us to do things we
didn’t want to do in the woods. ) It’s the prettiest drive I’ve ever been on in
my life and I don’t believe there’s anything prettier in the world. “And that’s
all I’m gonna say about that. “ – Forrest Gump. Then also say, “It was raining
from the ground up.” And then also say, “Run, Forrest, Run!’ Because I read the
book Forrest Gump this summer and I really
liked it.

liked it.

Alexis: So on the second day I woke up at 9 and was revving to go. I was like, “Let’s do this!!! Attack the day!!!” Pizza! (passes Pizza place) So I jolted out of bed, ran to Paige’s room (which was hosting the body of Elise), got my phone ready with the Snapchat app open wide, pressed record, and got all up in Elise’s face cuz she had asked me to be her alarm clock. I was just doin what the lady said. She woke up, I left, and didn’t hear anything from her for the next 2 hours. Thinkin "hey, my job is done.’’ I figured out later that that was not the case. She was very abrasive. I returned to the room in which I was staying, sat down on the bed next to my slumbering sister, and proceeded to try and upload the video blog that we had made. What happened next? Elise waddles in groggily around 10:45. She starts verbally assaulting me for not being a better alarm clock. Um. We finally posted the vlog. Elise was verrrrrry antsy cuz she thought we wasted the entire day, which was her fault, and then we left the house.
Carsten: When I woke
up, the daddy long-legs was gone and I assumed he went on some kind of adventure.
Maybe he was at the bar or something. The
next thing I remember is we were passing some zebras on the side of a road by a
castle, never thought I'd see that in California. And for some reason even
though I was driving and had control over stopping, I didn’t stop and I regret
not getting that on film. I cant believe nobody ever told me I could see
captivated zebras. Are they captivated or just in captivity? Maybe they were
captivated by what they were looking at. The bulls that they were grazing
alongside. Or the beautiful ocean views. This spurred a discussion about
whether or not animals think things are pretty. I don’t know. Anyways then Elise
was really excited to see some elephant seals. We did stop to see those. They
were throwing sand on eachother and Alexis thinks that’s to prevent sunburn,
she’s probably right. She learned a lot about elephants at the zoo. Probably.
It’s really, really handy to travel with a former zookeeper. (Alexis edit: I was
not a zookeeper). We ate dinner at this
magical land named Nepenthe. Our server, Devin, gave us some overpriced lunch
with a great view of the ocean. The bathrooms weren’t that nice. No. But I’d
eat there again. Devin made sure we knew his name was Devin. He said it atleast three
times in two minutes.
I bought a 5 dollar bottle of wine for free at CVS. And no, it wasn’t a five finger discount. But it sure was yummy. The lady behind me in line said, "chex mix and chardonnay eh?" And I said, "yeah, its gonna be a great night." And a great night it was! When we arrived at our AirBnB hostesses' house, she wasn’t home, but she left a note saying her dogs are friendly among other tips, advice, and directions. We didn’t see any dogs but we did hear an animal behind the door of her bedroom. It was whimpering and trying desperately to escape. For around the hour that we were there without her we considered texting her and asking if she wanted us to let it out, but we refrained. When she arrived home, the two dogs were with her. After our introductions and mindless small talk we asked her if she was going to let the third dog out. Her eyes widened and she said, "EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE WHAT THE EXPLETIVE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!??!!?!" We pointed to her bedroom door which was rattling and being thumped against aggressively. She looked terrified and I thought she was joking because surely she must have known about a large animal behind her door. Then my mind went to darker places and I thought maybe she was a kidnapper and was hiding a child back there that was tied up. And then I thought that she couldn’t possibly have 75 good Air BnB reviews if that were the case. And she seemed like a normie. After some more investigation by all four of us we determined the animal was actually in the crawlspace above her room. We attempted to extricate it with a headlamp, a Swiffer, a stool, a basket, and liquid courage that was just purchased. We failed so I had to listen to it until 3 am. Elise never truly got into her REM cycle. Alexis was snoring all night. And that’s all I have to say about that.
I bought a 5 dollar bottle of wine for free at CVS. And no, it wasn’t a five finger discount. But it sure was yummy. The lady behind me in line said, "chex mix and chardonnay eh?" And I said, "yeah, its gonna be a great night." And a great night it was! When we arrived at our AirBnB hostesses' house, she wasn’t home, but she left a note saying her dogs are friendly among other tips, advice, and directions. We didn’t see any dogs but we did hear an animal behind the door of her bedroom. It was whimpering and trying desperately to escape. For around the hour that we were there without her we considered texting her and asking if she wanted us to let it out, but we refrained. When she arrived home, the two dogs were with her. After our introductions and mindless small talk we asked her if she was going to let the third dog out. Her eyes widened and she said, "EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE WHAT THE EXPLETIVE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!??!!?!" We pointed to her bedroom door which was rattling and being thumped against aggressively. She looked terrified and I thought she was joking because surely she must have known about a large animal behind her door. Then my mind went to darker places and I thought maybe she was a kidnapper and was hiding a child back there that was tied up. And then I thought that she couldn’t possibly have 75 good Air BnB reviews if that were the case. And she seemed like a normie. After some more investigation by all four of us we determined the animal was actually in the crawlspace above her room. We attempted to extricate it with a headlamp, a Swiffer, a stool, a basket, and liquid courage that was just purchased. We failed so I had to listen to it until 3 am. Elise never truly got into her REM cycle. Alexis was snoring all night. And that’s all I have to say about that.
Animals in the Ceiling: Our Airbnb Experience from Alexis on Vimeo.
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